Continuous Learning
Continuous learning. Lifelong learning. As humans, we are meant to learn and adapt.
So why do organizations still schedule “one and done” training for their team?
💵⏰Cost and time.
Let’s start with the first one - the cost. Budgets are razor thin. You may wonder how you can squeeze out one more expense. It will actually cost more over time with reduced productivity. If you invest in your team to continually upgrade their skills, you will actually save money as efficiency will exponentially improve. There are many grant programs available to help with cost. We are a NYS certified woman-owned enterprise so there’s less red tape to go through.
Time. We are all busy. Think of how much time is spent spinning your wheels when you’re trying to figure out how to create that formula in Excel or the hours you spent putting a presentation together. Are you really saving time or squandering it?
Invest in your team. Provide continuous learning opportunities on a regular basis.