What is your WHY?
My WHY continues to be service to others, simplify the complicated, and inspire with a growth mindset. We are all lifelong learners.
Do you know your Quick Keys?
Do you know your Quick Keys? Quick Keys can save you time and make you more efficient. Here are some Microsoft Excel ones to try…
Why Should I Convert a Range to a Table?
I mean, you don’t have to but why should you? Depending on the size of the dataset you are using, there are great benefits to converting a range of data to a table.
OneDrive for the Win
What are three (3) things you can do with OneDrive?
Store and protect your files.
Share them with others.
Access them from anywhere on all your devices.
Are GenXers the Hardest Working Generation?
They grew up as latchkey keys in an era of change. They are independent and adaptable, much like the generations that have preceded them. Adopting technology feels natural to them. However, there are unique challenges they face.
Differences Between a SharePoint Site and a SharePoint Page
Understanding some of the terminology used in SharePoint can be helpful when creating the structure of sites and pages. This will ensure that you've created a very functional and streamlined location in which to share various kinds of information with your team.
Pin Emails in Outlook
Are you tired of losing your emails because you don't have the time to read them? Time to pin!
Microsoft Teams Etiquette
Etiquette is essential in Teams Meetings and here are some tips to help.